In the last twenty years in the field of dentistry we have witnessed a large degree of technological innovation that has revolutionized the concept of treatment plans for patients, bringing with it great benefits, above all in regard to prosthetic rehabilitation.
CAD/CAM technology has contributed to its own innovation, in pioneering fashion, and over time it has made its way, garnering the trust of clinicians and technicians.

The 3DSmileFactory makes use of completely digital technology and offers its clients a service capable of providing any prosthetic solution.
In the professional environment the use of such a system simplifies the manufacturing processes, creating benefits more and more appreciated by patients as well, who can profit from less invasive procedures, with a reduction in the number of appointments required and increased confidence in the work carried out by skilled professionals.
The CAD (Computer-Aided Design) and CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing) systems which take advantage of technology already in use for some time in the field of engineering, today enable its beneficial use also in the world of more advanced dentistry /dental technology, by means of manufacturing processes that undergo more oversight and are more easily reproduced, thanks to file storage.
The next years will be decisive for the evolution of dentistry and dental technology, and will only allow the participation of those who have adapted to the inevitable and advantageous changes which bring with them technological innovation already in place today in our laboratories.
Those who do not adapt to such changes will of course be excluded from progress which will only be discussed among operators capable of speaking the same language.
Chi non si adeguerà a tali mutamenti sarà naturalmente escluso da un progresso che vedrà dialogare solo operatori capaci di operare con lo stesso linguaggio.